Happiness Workshop banner

With an extensive background in lived experience, we present a personal and relatable approach to workplace wellbeing. Mental wellbeing substantially impacts people's lives and their ability to work meaningfully and productively.

Happiness Co is proud to integrate lived experience and content to encourage positive action. This pillar presents tools designed to be implemented by participants in their everyday life. Empower your team members to help them overcome their happiness and wellbeing challenges.

This topic is of enormous benefit to any level of a workforce. It ensures you complement your team's ethical, legal, and workplace wellbeing obligations.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate increased knowledge and understanding of mental health concepts and their impact on workplace wellbeing, enabling them to make informed decisions and take appropriate actions.
  • Cultivate awareness and promote change by recognising and addressing the factors that contribute to happiness and unhappiness in the workplace, fostering a positive and supportive environment.
  • Develop powerful tools, including emotional set points and affect labelling techniques, to enhance self-awareness, emotional regulation, and overall wellbeing in their everyday lives.
  • Create a culture of disclosure by effectively engaging in meaningful conversations around workplace unhappiness, promoting open communication, empathy, and understanding among team members.
  • Affect a positive team mindset by actively supporting the mental wellbeing of colleagues, fostering collaboration, empathy, and resilience within the team.
  • Support individual empowerment by providing resources, strategies, and support systems to help team members overcome happiness and wellbeing challenges, encouraging personal growth and development.

Workshop Inclusions

  • Fixed price for workshop delivery
  • Workshop is delivered virtually
  • Workshop is delivered over 90 minutes depending on your availability
  • Facilitated by a highly experienced and engaging presenter

Plan Your Staff Training with MiTraining 

We know that researching and planning a training session for staff can be time-consuming. Our pre-packaged staff training workshops will save you time, training dollars and are delivered with the same rigour and quality as one of our custom training solutions.

Pricing for this workshop is fixed and known up-front. 

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